Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Some Salmon Fishing Tips You Should Know

Salmon fishing is undoubtedly one of life's greatest pleasures. Not only does it provide fantastic scenery but also pure excitement and that challenge that keeps many salmon fishermen returning time and again. Every now and again, though, you have to be able to actually land a big one, and there's not an angler alive that doesn't have secret salmon fishing tips and techniques.
Salmon Fishing Tips:
There are almost as many salmon fishing tips and techniques as there are fishermen, but some basic modes are common among them:
Salmon Fly Fishing: By far the most challenging—and invigorating—method of catching salmon, fly fishing requires patience, a delicate touch, and finesse. Most people who fly fish try for trout and usually succeed, but those who try for salmon and succeed often are a rare breed. Most salmon anglers use bait or spoons, which is fine; there's nothing wrong with that. But if Ultimate Bragging Rights are sought, use fly-casting.
Salmon don't bite flies. No, they don't. Salmon are very territorial and aggressive in defending theirs. They don't like the interloper in their waters, so they lunge at it. Because they don't actively seek to ingest the fly, it creates an exquisite timing issue—one of the justifications for those bragging rights. Anybody, with a bit of luck, can snag a fish with food bait, but not everyone can land a salmon with a fly.
The most important of the salmon fishing tips is to use life-like flies. They must look exactly like the insects to have any skill-chance of working.
The second most important of the salmon fishing tips list for fly fishing is movement. Keep those flies hovering, moving, and darting to and fro before they hit the water. If you really have the salmon's attention, the fly may not get wet before it's attacked. What a great feeling that is! Try different lures in different water speeds. Salmon will react differently to the same lure, spoon, bait or fly in slow, deep waters than they will in shallow, fast-moving streams and

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