Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Some Salmon Fishing Tips You Should Know

Salmon fishing is undoubtedly one of life's greatest pleasures. Not only does it provide fantastic scenery but also pure excitement and that challenge that keeps many salmon fishermen returning time and again. Every now and again, though, you have to be able to actually land a big one, and there's not an angler alive that doesn't have secret salmon fishing tips and techniques.
Salmon Fishing Tips:
There are almost as many salmon fishing tips and techniques as there are fishermen, but some basic modes are common among them:
Salmon Fly Fishing: By far the most challenging—and invigorating—method of catching salmon, fly fishing requires patience, a delicate touch, and finesse. Most people who fly fish try for trout and usually succeed, but those who try for salmon and succeed often are a rare breed. Most salmon anglers use bait or spoons, which is fine; there's nothing wrong with that. But if Ultimate Bragging Rights are sought, use fly-casting.
Salmon don't bite flies. No, they don't. Salmon are very territorial and aggressive in defending theirs. They don't like the interloper in their waters, so they lunge at it. Because they don't actively seek to ingest the fly, it creates an exquisite timing issue—one of the justifications for those bragging rights. Anybody, with a bit of luck, can snag a fish with food bait, but not everyone can land a salmon with a fly.
The most important of the salmon fishing tips is to use life-like flies. They must look exactly like the insects to have any skill-chance of working.
The second most important of the salmon fishing tips list for fly fishing is movement. Keep those flies hovering, moving, and darting to and fro before they hit the water. If you really have the salmon's attention, the fly may not get wet before it's attacked. What a great feeling that is! Try different lures in different water speeds. Salmon will react differently to the same lure, spoon, bait or fly in slow, deep waters than they will in shallow, fast-moving streams and

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Some Useful Fishing Tips To Improve Your Catch

Fishing is an activity you can engage in on quite a few levels. You can go fishing with nothing but the most basic of rods or head out with a minivan full of equipment. Whatever the case the chances of a good catch are not necessarily determined by how good you are as a fisherman. Instead your catch can depend on a variety factors, from where you are fishing, the seasons and just pure luck. This is why it's always best to keep some valuable fishing tips on the top of your mind.
A good fishing tip is where to fish for the best catch. With that end result in mind, we need to understand the weather and understand the effects it has on fishing. For example wind can push the bait further away from shore and the bait will be followed by game fish. Thus a good fishing tip where the wind is concerned is to cast the bait into the wind. A cold front can also affect fishing as the fish respond to the changes in the atmosphere and usually the catch will be poor after a storm has passed. Therefore another good fishing tip is to avoid going out fishing immediately after a storm for the catch is bound to be lighter than would otherwise be the case.
Fishing tips when rain is involved revolve around the severity of the rain. A light rain will shatter the view a fish would have of the surface and render it unable to see you. Heavy rain on the other hand can end up muddying the water and making it hard for the fish to find the bait or the lure.
Meanwhile the level of saltwater as well as tides plays a role in deciding whether it's a good time to fish or not. Another good fishing tip is to fish on a rising or falling tide as a dead high or a dead low tide situation will see little movement and as a result few fish will be caught. But tides don't always come and go like clockwork and as such it is advisable to find out the time for high and low tides before setting off to fish.
Yet another valuable fishing tip is to find out where there is plenty of food. Birds especially gather around areas where there are plenty of fish so if you see the birds darting in and out with prized catches of their own, the chances of you getting yourself a noteworthy catch are also quite high.